This was the second and (nearly) final day in Kansas, we'd originally planned to cross the State border line today into Colorado but there is no accommodation available in Idalia, in fact there is very little at all in Idalia, in fact that is very little in any town along the way, so here we are, 20 miles short of Idalia in St Francis, just still inside Kansas.
Very different to yesterday, the day started well, clear blue sky, an early start (for the rider) and sunrise around 6.30am. Straight out of the Motel and onto Highway 36, due West, the photos below capture how it is riding over 140 miles across the Prairies, there is very very little out here. When riding along you can look back along the road, and look forward to the horizon, most often there is nothing, just you on the road, riding the line (literally the white line along the side of the road).
There was a sign on the side of the road, just outside Decatur I think (I have no camera for the road after the Iphone packed in, it read ''life is a daring adventure'' , I liked that, although I think it was probably written with little relevance to riding a bike across Kansas or the US, but it still fits!

The photo shows how it is, or how it can be most of the day, you can choose to ride the centre line, the right side of the road, the shoulder, the wrong side, there is very little out here. In over 140 miles I think I was passed by 3 or 4 trucks and maybe 20 cars, no bikes! The corn fields continue although they seem to be finally giving up their dominance, there are still glimpses of the cattle herds roaming the Prairies, you seem to get a history and geography lesson all in one!
Just over 9,000 calories burnt today, over 20 gels, around 14 water bottles and various other powders and tablets to stay on the road, thankfully it has now been two days without ibuprofen but the bronchitis is still there, hopefully not an issue as we head closer to the high mountains and crossing the the Rockies in Colorado. Tomorrow will be a long, and then a high, day with one stint in the car, driving through Denver, we have be advised no to ride through the City.
What day or Blog post would be complete without a mention of our accommodation, so here you are, there is little out here, little choice, you go with what you can get, it is not grim because it is nowhere near that good, it's awful. $50 total to stay by the road, the end of Highway 36 tomorrow. It will be a long night!!
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